Oscar and friends

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

I am the youngest of my family. I was adopted by my Mum and Dad who I love very much (even though I bite them). I like to do nothing and everything (all at once). I have Cat-itude and I wanted this blog to tell you all what I think about everything. So listen up.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Calling all Mums (Moms for you overseas people)

Hello! Oscar calling. I just wanted to have a little chat to you about the meeces.

Yes I know that you have bought them in the past, ........ Yes I know they were chewed up and ripped into bits, but you have to understand. It is like chocolate for us. We need it. We need fresh meeces all the time. Honest we do. That old mousey just won't do.

Please, just listen for a second....... No , don't hang up......

Ok - still there? Good.

Please buy more meeces. Lovely fresh meeces with catnip and a little rattle inside. sweet smelling meeces that taste divine......

ok - um, Thanks for listening. I just need to go find one of my meeces now and get a little fix.

OK ok - I know I have a problem - but I am dealing with it - okay?

Thanks again for listening - and remember, Buy more meeces!

Catch you soon,


Sunday, May 21, 2006

The irresistible "meeces"

Mum and Dad often go to a pet warehouse to pick up supplies for their fishies business, and while they are there they try to pick out treats for the rest of the gang. This week they came home with 20 "meeces", new collars for Molly and I (required by law in Australia, along with registration tags for kitties), two new kitty brushes and a new tunnel system (yeah I guess we are spoilt).

Mum and Dad never said a thing about any of this when they got home. They kept them in the plastic bag that they brought other things home in, but I smelt them.

During the night I clawed and chewed through the plastic bag, and inside I found two more plastic bags each containing 10 "meeces". I brought those bags out, and chewed through one of them and before Mum could catch me (crinkling at 3am somehow woke Mum), I had pinched three "Meeces" never to be seen again. hehe

Mum had to put them in a cupboard to stop me pinching more.

I can't help it - they are just so irresistible.

Here is me with the remaining "meeces". Mum let me have another one yesterday and by the end of the day I had chewed off it's ears and tail. But it was soooooo good.

p.s. thank you for the lovely comments about my sister Molly. She is not sure as yet whether she wants to join the "coat of many colors" gang, but she will give it some thought. And boys - no - you cannot date my sister!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We found mum's stash

Molly and I found Mum's stash of catnip (I think she uses it herself - purely medicinal of course). We ate just a little bit, then a little bit more, and before we knew it the whole stash was gone. Mum caught us before the effects had faded off. Here are some pictures that Mum took.

"Oh - look at all the pretty colors! Can anyone else see the mices flying around my head?"
Molly was a lot more sedate than I was - she curled up in the doona and slept it off, although when I saw her pictures I thought "Wow check out the long legs on that chick! Whoo hoo" - then I remembered it was my sister and I felt really sick for feeling like that. I just hope none of the boy cats who read my blog think she is hot or nothing, cause even though we are not close - she is like, still my sister and I will beat up anyone who trys to chat up my sister.

She does have long legs though, doesn't she!

Mum - I am really sorry we ate your stash of catnip. I hope that you will remember we did it for your own good - sort of an "intervention" really! See.... cause... like..... Molly and I wuv you a lot.

Stay off the catnip Mum - you know you can do it.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I got dumped!

I have been a little down. My girlfriend dumped me and I have called and called her but she is nowhere to be seen. I have been okay though and I am still being my normal terror self.

Mum put some of my toys on the handles of her exercise bike (Like it was being used for anything else - hehe), and I like to sit on the seat and try to get my toys.

Once I have the toy in my mouth I jump off and try to run as far as I possibly can with the toy.

Sometimes it is hard to get the toy I want.

Here I am trying to run off with my toy:

I figure if I can get it into my cube I will have it all to myself.

Unfortunately it doesn't always work that way, and I eventually have to let go and it flings back to the bike.

It's a hard life sometimes.