Hey Gang - hope everyone has been okay. Mum has been ultra busy at work lately - even working weekends. I don't like that too much. But if it keeps me in stinky goodness then it can't be all that bad.
On Saturday Mum did the washing, and she dumped the "just warm from the dryer" towels on the bed for a bit planning on coming back to sort them, fold them and put them away. They were lovely and warm and I couldn't resist cuddling up right next to them. hehe. I pretended to be asleep when Mum came back - but she said she could tell by my smile that I was really awake.
Molly did her fair share of sleeping too - but as I had the warm towels she had to make do with being tucked up inside the doona. Noice!
She was fine until Mum disturbed her with the camera - But don't worry. Right after Mum took this shot she went right on back to sleep.
We all went to the V-E-T last week for our annual check up and shots. I was so brave, and I smooched and headbutted my lovely Vet. I even purred very loudly - she was most impressed with my purr and my whiskers. Molly was a real scaredy cat (hehe) and pretended she was a rock and never moved a muscle.
Maddison went too (Sandy doesn't need to go until November). It is fun when 3 of us go at once. Dad has to come too.
Maddison spent most of the Vet visit sitting at the door with her lead in her mouth asking to just go home. hehe. But the Vet said she is doing very well, and it isn't long now until her heart worm retest in June to make sure all those nasty worms are gone.
The Vet told us about another nasty thing going on in furry land - Cat HIV. She said we can get immunised yearly for it. But it involves doing a test first to make sure we don't already have it. She said we can get it from fighting other kitties. Mum is a bit scared. She wants us to be protected but she is scared of doing the test. After what happened with Maddison, she is wary of this sort of stuff. I think she thinks that with our luck, one of us would already have the virus.
What do you think? Should we get immunised against this?